Noise Induced Hearing Loss - A Growing Problem
Posted by DBUD TEAM

Facts from the WHO Last year the World Health Organization (WHO) released an alarming forecast, highlighting that close to 2.5 billion people are projected to have some degree of hearing loss by 2050. Over 1 billion of these cases can be easily prevented and are related to unsafe listening practices. Unsafe listening practices and the associated health concerns are a recent phenomenon for humans, and it wasn’t until the last few centuries that we were able to produce dangerous sounds at a sustained duration, which is rare in nature. This has seen a sharp rise in hearing related issues and...
The new dBud is here!
Posted by DBUD TEAM

The original, volume adjustable earplugs have had a makeover, continuing our mission to provide the most effortless and effective way to protect your ears and rule the noise! What’s new with dBud? Comfort and Fit - the new dBud is smaller in size and shape than its predecessor, with an optimised tube angle for a better fit in the ear. It is also made of new materials for an improved feel and look. Updated Silicon Tips - 5 different sizes of silicone tips are included to also help find an optimal fit and increase comfort. 3 further foam tips are...
Posted by DBUD TEAM

Posted by DBUD TEAM

While it seems that people without ADHD can brush off the minor annoyances, it’s normal for people living with ADHD to feel overwhelmed. Alongside hyperactivity, inattention, and impulsivity, ADHD seems to exacerbate everything in your environment, specifically your senses. If you feel like you can taste, smell, or hear in extremes, you’re not alone. If you live with ADHD, your brain can have a more difficult time filtering out irrelevant, extra information. Your brain processes everything around you and soaks up different stimuli like a sponge — including the more minor things others find easier to ignore. A few situations where people...
Posted by DBUD TEAM

How are the noises you hear every day impacting your hearing? The truth is that we're exposed to a number of damaging noise levels regularly, even if we’re not always aware of them. And when it comes to protecting your hearing, understanding how your ears process sound will help you determine how exposure to them may be affecting your hearing health. This article explores what causes hearing loss, different noise levels, and how to protect against noise-induced hearing loss. How is sound measured? There are several causes of hearing loss. And, everyone has a different tolerance to loud noises. Generally...
6 Benefits of Wearing Earplugs
Posted by DBUD TEAM

Having clear hearing allows us to communicate with one another, enjoy our favorite music, and keep us safe. Until we start having trouble with our sense of hearing, we tend not to recognize its importance. It’s hard to detect which noises are harmful or which ones aren’t, but wearing earplugs now can prevent injury or symtoms down the line. It can even help cope with symptoms of the following: Migraine & headaches Hypersensitivity Disorder ADHD Autism Whether or not you identify with one of these conditions, here are 6 ways you can benefit from wearing earplugs: Reduces stress. We’re so...
How earplugs can help reduce the stress of tinnitus
Posted by DBUD TEAM

If you have tinnitus, you know the constant ringing you hear can make every aspect of your life feel overwhelming. While many people experience a similar ringing noise, the sounds have also been described as, “analogous to cicadas, crickets, winds, falling tap water, grinding steel, escaping steam, fluorescent lights, and running engines”, according to the NCBI. Impacting over 50 million Americans, those suffering from tinnitus often find themselves in a vicious cycle of stress. These intrusive sounds become overwhelming, resulting in panic and anxiety, and suddenly, it becomes a challenge to relax. In some cases, the symptoms can be debilitating and can...
Andy Tatt testimonial – music and loud events
Posted by DBUD TEAM

My name is Andy Tatt and I am a music & portrait photographer. It’s no secret that I absolutely love dBud, years down the line, they are still 100% my go-to pair of earplugs despite trying numerous other plugs. So why do I love them so much? Simply put, they save my ears from tinnitus and harsh volumes. At gigs, I shoot in different ranges in volume, so I needed a product that could be just as versatile. dBud has a brilliant feature that allows you to use them at an average of 11dB or 24dB, so for me, that allows me...
Best earplugs for drummers
Posted by DBUD TEAM

Let’s face it: Hearing loss is the greatest fear of every musician. Although you may not notice the implications of listening to excessive noise instantly. In the back of your mind, you know that if you do not take care of your ears, your hearing capabilities may be reduced. This issue is even more prevalent for drummers. While you are holding a steady groove, you keep smashing your toms, snare, and cymbals to make the audience go wild, your ears may not be enjoying the experience as much as you do if you are not protecting your ears. Some drummers...